Ilana Rubel

District 18 House A
2024 Primary - won
2024 General Election - won
Representative Ilana Rubel has served Boise’s District 18 in the Idaho Legislature since 2014, and has knocked on over 15,000 doors to learn what her constituents need. She has successfully sponsored and passed a broad array of important legislation supporting the people of Idaho, including better pay and benefits for teachers, funding for optional full-day kindergarten and insurance coverage for hearing aids for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. She has served as the House Democratic Leader since 2019, is a graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, has represented technology companies for more than 20 years, and is the proud mother of four children who have attended Boise public schools. She also co-founded the non-profit Idaho Business for the Outdoors and was a founding member of BSU’s Honors College’s Advisory Board.
Raised by a working single mom, Ilana Rubel graduated from law school thanks to terrific teachers, schools and helping hands along the way. She is adamant that everyone should have the same opportunities she did to work their way up the ladder in life. She and her husband John moved to Boise 21 years ago when he was recruited by Micron. They have four children aged 13 to 22, and Ilana enjoys volunteer-teaching “Civics and the Constitution” at various Boise schools. Her family loves to bike, hike, fish, ski, camp, and raft in the Idaho outdoors.
2024 Primary Election Results
Rubel 1,562 votes / Unopposed
2024 General Election Results
Rubel 17,112 votes
News Stories
A citizens’ committee that sets legislator salaries punted Thursday on a decision on raises.
The committee meets every two years to determine compensation for the 105 members of the Idaho Legislature. During a meeting in Boise, committee members split over a bipartisan recommendation from legislative leaders to make major changes to their compensation structure, including hiking salaries by $6,446 on average.
The anxiety has just begun as we wait for the Supreme Court’s EMTALA ruling — and its potential fallout, writes guest columnist Chuck Malloy.
If anybody can understand the importance of emergency care during a pregnancy, it’s Rep. Ilana Rubel of Boise, the House minority leader. She has plenty of life experience on that matter.
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