James Petzke

District 21 House A
2024 Primary - won
2024 General Election - won
Raised in Hailey, Idaho, James Petzke acquired his higher education from Boise State University and a Master’s in finance from Harvard University Extension School. He is a first term representative in the Idaho State House of Representatives District 21 Seat A seeking his second term.
2024 Primary Election Results
Petzke 2,969 votes / Nelson 1,270 votes / McKinley 1,148 votes
2024 General Election Results
Petzke 17,558 votes / Hess 8,159 votes
News Stories
Rep. James Petzke, R-Meridian, co-sponsored the bill. Petzke told legislators that the bill is about increasing transparency, not adding restrictions to the initiative process.
The no-confidence vote covers the 14 House Republicans who sided with Little and opposed the override: Reps. Matthew Bundy of Mountain Home; Richard Cheatum of Pocatello; Chenele Dixon of Kimberly; Rod Furniss of Rigby; Dan Garner of Clifton; Greg Lanting of Twin Falls; Lori McCann of Lewiston; Stephanie Mickelsen of Idaho Falls; Jack Nelsen of Jerome; James Petzke of Meridian; Jerald Raymond of Menan; Mark Sauter of Sandpoint; Kenny Wroten of Nampa; and Julie Yamamoto of Caldwell.
Eleven JFAC members, plus Mary Ruckh, the substitute serving for Rep. Brooke Green, D-Boise, worked together throughout Friday’s meeting to pass 14 new budgets for agencies ranging from the Idaho Department of Agriculture, the Commission for Libraries, the Idaho State Historical Society and the Idaho State Tax Commission. The group of 12 included Raybould, Ruckh and Reps. James Petzke, R-Meridian; Matthew Bundy, R-Mountain Home; Rod Furniss, R-Rigby; Clay Handy, R-Burley; and Sens. Kevin Cook, R-Idaho Falls; Dave Lent, R-Idaho Falls; Van Burtenshaw, R-Terreton; Julie VanOrden, R-Pingree; Janie Ward-Engelking, D-Boise; and Rick Just, D-Boise.
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