Nate Roberts

District 29 House B
Nate Roberts has been married for over 35 years and has two sons. His wife is a significant influence in Nate’s life and political journey, supporting his decision to seek a seat in Idaho’s House of Representatives to represent Pocatelloans in District 29.
Nate believes that the state government should prioritize supporting families to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Coming from a background where adequate pay and respect for labor were valued, he understands the importance of representation and strives to addresses the needs and concerns of all Idahoans.
Professionally, Nate is an electrician, union member, and elected union officer. He is committed to improving the lives of workers in the electrical industry through his union involvement, collaborating with unions across Idaho to achieve this goal. Nate’s belief in the universal values of hard work and dignity drives his advocacy for better living conditions for all Idahoans.
2024 Primary Election Results
Roberts 1,134 votes / Unopposed
2024 General Election Results
Roberts 10,359 votes / Burgoyne 11,498 votes
News Stories
A local state representative is running for re-election.
Democratic Representative Nate Roberts recently kicked off his campaign for Legislative District 29 at the Idaho State University Alumni Center in Pocatello.
Two Indiana lawmakers fit the bill
POCATELLO — A group that includes some state lawmakers from southeast Idaho is planning to rally at a Pocatello library to show their support for librarians.
BOISE — A southeast Idaho high school student who has been raising awareness of the dangers of fentanyl in her community brought her message to the state capitol.
Idaho's education system stands at a pivotal crossroads, with today's decisions profoundly influencing our students' futures and the state's trajectory. While serving in the legislature, and someone who has laid the groundwork for buildings as a construction electrician, I recognize the critical importance of establishing solid foundations—whether that pertains to infrastructure or our educational systems. Together, we as Idahoans must be wholeheartedly committed to addressing three key areas vital to the future of Idaho education: funding, facilities, and the ongoing debate over school vouchers.
Idahoans know what it means to put in an honest day’s work. From the ranchers and farm workers who bring food to our tables, the factory worker punching a clock, and caregivers looking after aging family members — Idaho was built by working people. Unfortunately, it is getting harder for most of us to get ahead.
Opinion: Upholding local control: A stand against Idaho GOP's reluctance to empower local government
In Idaho, the principle of local control is foundational, reflecting our belief that the most effective governance happens closest to the people it serves. Yet, recent legislative actions by the supermajority suggest a troubling shift away from this principle, undermining local autonomy in areas critical to our community's well-being—specifically in our schools, public libraries, and city governance.
My district is in the heart of Bannock County, and we stand at a pivotal moment that calls for decisive action to enhance our community’s safety, health, and justice systems. The proposal to establish the East Idaho Forensics Center is more than just infrastructure development; it's a critical step forward in addressing the glaring deficiency in our state’s ability to conduct adequate autopsies—a deficiency that places Idaho alarmingly third lowest in the nation for the number of autopsies performed.
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