Sarah Chaney

Sarah Chaney was born in Weiser, Idaho. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Oregon University in 2017. Her career experience includes working as a business administrator, dispatcher, and corrections officer, and working in wildland firefighting. She has been affiliated with Caldwell of Commerce. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication from Eastern Oregon University in 2017. She currently holds the role of business manager at a local Caldwell small business. Actively participating in board memberships and volunteer roles, Chaney remains dedicated to serving her community and making a positive impact through her involvement. Sarah has many ties to local law enforcement (and associated endorsements), is active in her church, and is supported by a wide variety of business and employer organizations.
2024 Primary Election Results
Cayler 1,695 votes / Chaney 1,656 votes
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The Republican primary is months away — really, several months away — but two competing lobbying groups are already rolling out 2024 legislative endorsements.
Lucas Cayler did not respond to requests by the Idaho Statesman editorial board to sit down for an endorsement interview. That made our decision in the District 11B House race easy — but it likely would have been easy regardless. Sarah Chaney is a well-qualified candidate with good credentials who would be a thoughtful contributor to the House. Although we likely will disagree with several of her decisions and votes, we expect that she would approach problems thoughtfully and with concern for the constituents in her district. The Editorial Board endorses Chaney for this reason.
For the second House seat, Sarah Chaney, a Caldwell business manager, will face Lucas Cayler, a Caldwell service technician. The Republican nominee will run against Democratic candidate Marisela Pesina in November.
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