Brenda Bourn

District 21 Senate
Local woman Brenda Bourn seeks first term in Idaho State Senate District 21 to go up against incumbent Sen. Bernt. She is backed by ultraconservative Idaho Freedom Foundation.
2024 Primary Election Results
Bernt 3,236 votes / Bourn 2,220 votes
News Stories
The advocacy arm of the IFF, an ultra-conservative policy organization, endorsed Bourn and cited Bernt’s vote on HB 71 as a reason to oppose the incumbent. Bourn and the IFF also indicated that Bernt voted to support 2023 legislation that would have provided a restricted driver's license to undocumented immigrants — but Bernt never voted on this bill and doesn’t sit on the committee that it went through.
Bourn said she had been a Democrat in the '90s because she believed the ideals have changed. She pointed to support for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and illegal immigration.
Sen. Treg Bernt is seeking a second term in the Idaho Senate as Brenda Bourn attempts to unseat him. Bernt served two terms on the Meridian City Council before he was elected to the Senate in 2022.
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