Chris Trakel

Trakel, originally from Boise, joined the U.S. Marine Corps in March 2001 as a rifleman and retired in 2016. He resettled in Caldwell, Idaho, and ventured into entrepreneurship in the woodworking sector. Trakel had one unsuccessful bid in 2020, losing in the primary; he then won the state senate seat in 2022 and is seeking his second term. He stirred up a media frenzy in 2023 over outbursts during a floor debate over gender identity protections in schools.
Trakel drew fire from the Idaho Freedom Foundation network of organizations for failing to go along with them on a vote only to capitulate later and receive support for his re-election campaign.
2024 Primary Election Results
Blaylock 1,746 votes / Trakel 1,617 votes
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Being elected to office — any office — does not entitle a person to use their position to attack other elected officials. On the contrary, it requires the person to be mindful and respectful of their oath of office. Trakel did not have the right to use his title of senator to imply a level of authority that he cannot claim.
During Monday's debate on HB-71, the 'Vulnerable Child Protection Act,' Senator Chris Trakel from Caldwell a small, politically motivated pediatric group.
Trakel went on to say that the board should throw out the policy and “not even consider it.” While he was speaking, Board Chair Marisela Pesina turned to briefly speak to another board member, and Trakel chastised her to listen. She gave him her attention, and he began raising his voice and accusing the board of breaking rules.
Sen. Chris Trakel, R-Caldwell, and Rep. Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, sponsored the bill, saying it is a security measure.
“This is an issue that deals with not only national security, but more importantly, Idaho security,” Trakel told legislators Thursday.
Sen. Chris Trakel, R-Caldwell said he supported the bill and would be excited to see an option for six months of supply for all medications. Trakel, who retired from the U.S. Marine Corps, said he appreciates his access to six-month supplies of medication through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
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