Jacyn Gallagher

Jacyn Gallagher was elected to District 9A in 2022 and is seeking her second term. She is supported by the hardline conservative group Idaho Freedom Caucus and a devout Christian. She has a near 100% index rating on Idaho Freedom Foundation’s scoring system for her far-right platform on several trending issues: abortion, education, and public health.
2024 Primary Election Results
Shirts 5,274 votes / Gallagher 3,255 votes
News Stories
Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, R-Weiser, proposed legislation that would extend to 18-year-old students school immunization exemptions that are allowed for minors for religious or other reasons. The bill would allow students of this age to submit a signed statement to school officials stating their objections to vaccination requirements at public, private or parochial schools in the state, including trade schools, community colleges and universities.
Two bills proposed by Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, R-Weiser, would limit ways for public health districts to prevent the spread of a disease. House Bill 396, which Gallagher introduced Tuesday, would ban state agencies or “political subdivisions” from mandating masks. Gallagher also introduced a separate bill, House Bill 392, to limit the authority of health districts to address public health crises.
The bill — sponsored by Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, R-Weiser, and Sen. Brian Lenney, R-Nampa — would modify laws that outline the powers of Idaho’s public health district boards, replacing language that allows boards to do “all” things necessary to protect public health.
Sen. Tammy Nichols and State Rep. Jacyn Gallagher recently took a trip to the U.S./ Mexico border as Title 42 comes to an end. Nate Shelman talked with them to discuss what the saw and experienced at the border.
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