Trish Carter-Goodheart

District 6 House A
A proud member of the Nez Perce Tribe, Trish Carter-Goodheart was born and raised in the close-knit community of Lapwai. Serving as a community fundraiser and grantwriter, she is raising two young children with her husband, Dayne, in their hometown.
Trish has been involved in advocacy work for many years and is running to stand up for better representation to meet the unique needs not only of her community, but the unique needs of those all around the district from Lewiston to Lenore, Kendrick to Kamiah.
Trish’s leadership experience makes her a passionate advocate for the safety and well-being of children. She has served on the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) Board since 2008, starting as a youth board member and staying after being asked to remain on the board. She has served on the public policy committee for the duration of her service, focusing on legislative and policy decisions as well as fundraising and program development.
2024 Primary Election Results
Carter-Goodheart 1,069 votes / Unopposed
2024 General Election Results
McCann 17,794 votes / Carter-Goodheart 9,648 votes
News Stories
A national grant is pushing the Idaho Democratic Party to focus on voter outreach
Republicans have a supermajority in the Idaho Legislature, but there are two swing districts that the Idaho Democratic Party is focused on winning legislative seats on Nov. 5 – District 6 and District 26.
To win seats in those districts, the party is focused on reaching two demographics that could impact the results in this year’s legislative races – the Native and Latino vote.
KENDRICK, Idaho — An Idaho state senator angrily told a Native candidate to "go back where you came from" during a bipartisan candidate forum this week after an audience member raised questions about discrimination in the state.
Trish Carter-Goodheart, a Democratic candidate for Idaho's House District 6 seat and a citizen of the Nez Perce Tribe, said Republican Dan Foreman yelled at her after she talked about discrimination and racism in Idaho.
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