Charlie Shepherd

District 7 House B
2024 Primary - won
2024 General Election - won
Kyle Shepherd is a second generation Idahoan legislator and native of Garden Valley, Idaho, which is where he serves as a maintenance supervisor at the Salmon River Joint School District. After a decade spent logging in Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Washington, he subsequently dedicated 15 years to a family-owned sawmill and log home business. In the realm of sports, Shepherd showcased his leadership by coaching high school football, basketball, and track at Salmon River High School and is an active member of the District III Basketball Officials Association. He is seeking his third term.
2024 Primary Election
Shepherd 4,440 votes / Dunn 2,920 votes
2024 General Election Results
Shepherd 20,222 votes / Hardisty 5,984 votes
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News Stories
Shepherd said, “All bills and issues deserve attention; however, my top priority in light of any of them will always be to preserve freedom and to lower taxes — especially property taxes.”
The Free Press asked the candidates seven questions concerning their campaigns, allowing them to go at length with their answers: Think of your particular community or constituency 20 years from now. What three things must be addressed now to make it better for our kids? Our state constitution compels us to fully fund public education. By fulfilling that obligation we will lessen the burden on our property taxpayers by putting an end to school bonds and levies.
All three lawmakers from Legislative District 7, which encompasses White Bird and New Meadows, this year voted against an additional $115 million for local water systems that included $23 million from ARPA. The district is represented by Kingsley, along with Rep. Charlie Shepherd, R-Pollock, and Sen. Cindy Carleson, R-Riggins.
Rep. Shepherd said he believes that early childhood education has value and he voted against the bill over concerns other legislators brought up about what kind of curriculum would be taught with the grant money.
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