Chenele Dixon

District 24 House A
Chenele Dixon is an educator and community leader based in Kimberly, Idaho. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in English Education from Brigham Young University and a Master’s of Education from George Wythe University. Currently, she serves as the president of the Kimberly Schools Foundation, where she raises funds for scholarships to aid graduates in continuing their education. She also served as director for the College of Southern Idaho Music Fest camp for youth for several years. Rep. Dixion received the AG-All Star award in her first year in office for her commitment to Idaho’s Agriculture community. She is a first term incumbent seeking her second.
2024 Primary Election Results
Hostetler 5,260 votes / Dixon 3,702 votes
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The no-confidence vote covers the 14 House Republicans who sided with Little and opposed the override: Reps. Matthew Bundy of Mountain Home; Richard Cheatum of Pocatello; Chenele Dixon of Kimberly; Rod Furniss of Rigby; Dan Garner of Clifton; Greg Lanting of Twin Falls; Lori McCann of Lewiston; Stephanie Mickelsen of Idaho Falls; Jack Nelsen of Jerome; James Petzke of Meridian; Jerald Raymond of Menan; Mark Sauter of Sandpoint; Kenny Wroten of Nampa; and Julie Yamamoto of Caldwell.
SB 1247 would create a protective hold at a hospital to assess if the person has an underlying health problem that may be causing or worsening the crisis, such as an undiagnosed urinary tract infection, dehydration or a problem with medication. The hold would only be for cases in which the person is likely to injure themselves or others.
Dixon presented the bill with Senate Minority Leader Melissa Wintrow, D-Boise, who said she’s been working on this for months over the interim. The issue came to her attention when a guest at the Interfaith Sanctuary shelter with Huntington’s disease had a crisis wherein she was endangering herself and other guests, and police officers said she couldn’t be placed on a protective hold for mental health.
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