Linda Wright Hartgen

Incumbent State Senator Linda Wright Hartgen started as Twin Falls County District Court clerk and then the Trial Court Administrator for the Fifth Judicial District in the Idaho Supreme Court. She earned recognition with the Kramer Award and was named the Idaho Business Review Woman of the Year. Hartgen also served two terms in the Idaho House of Representatives District 24 Seat B from 2018-2022 and currently chairs the Agriculture Affairs Committee– she is in the running for her second term in the State Senate.

News Stories

News • Carolyn Komatsoulis, KTVB7 • 03/27/2024

The Section 8 voucher discussion comes after Boise last year passed a series of renter protections, including against source-of-income discrimination. Landlords can still say no to tenants and set their own rents, but they have to consider Section 8 applicants. The vouchers give a rent subsidy straight to the landlord...

Sen. Linda Wright Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, said she felt local governments should take care of the housing issue.

News • Cary Schwanitz and Braden McElreath, KSLTV • 03/29/2024

A racial incident involving the University of Utah women’s basketball team sparked a spirited debate in the Idaho Senate Thursday over a resolution to condemn the incident in Coeur d’Alene....

Sen. Linda Wright Hartgen denied claims that there was no evidence to support the incident. “This has been in the news now for several days,” she said. “The Coeur D’Alene police say now that they have one video related to the Utah team’s racial harassment and asked the public for more if they have them.”

News • Kevin Richert, Idaho Ed News • 10/02/2023

The early selections break some news on several GOP primary contests between current and former legislators. And not surprisingly, there is zero agreement between the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry endorsements and the Idaho Freedom PAC picks, foreshadowing another bitter Republican primary next spring.

IACI, a powerful Statehouse business lobby, unveiled 34 Republican endorsements over social media last week. Idaho Freedom PAC, the campaign arm of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, announced its first six GOP endorsements on Monday, with more to come in November.

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