Mark Sauter

Mark Sauter’ s lifelong passion for the outdoors, ignited in his youth by scenic mountains, lakes and rivers, led him to settle in North Idaho as an adult. He served with dedication in the fire service for 30 years, rising to Fire Chief, while simultaneously earning degrees in fire administration and public administration. Following retirement, he continued his public service through volunteer work, community leadership, and forestry management. Sauter’s commitment to improvement extends to his family and professional roles, as evidenced by his children’s successful careers as a Navy pilot and Deputy Prosecutor. He is running for his second term.

News Stories

News • KBOI Staff, KATV • 03/23/2024

A hospital in rural Idaho is ending its labor and delivery services, citing abortion laws the state's legislature continues to pass criminalizing physicians for providing care that is nationally recognized as a standard and and an outflow of doctors from the state as a result of the laws. In a release, the Bonner General Health's leadership said "highly respected and talented physicians" are leaving Idaho because of the laws and that replacing them will be "extraordinarily difficult."

On March 17 Bonner General Health's Board of Directors announced the discontinuation of Bonner General Hospitals Labor and Delivery services, in part because of legislation Idaho continues to pass criminalizing physicians for providing care nationally recognized as the standard of care.

This means that expectant mothers will have to travel to 46 miles to the nearest hospital to have their babies.
The area's state representative, Republican Mark Sauter, said he was "troubled by the problems occurring in Sandpoint."
"When our medical professionals and health care system have problems, our community members suffer," Sauter said.
He said their emergency medical service providers will be even more critical.

News • Kennon McClintock, Bonners Ferry Herald • 04/25/2024

Mark has two opponents in the May primary — both who have professed their allegiance to the Idaho Freedom Foundation, which represents the far-right, religious fanatics. His opponents will vote with the IFF and willfully ignore the concerns of most Boundary County constituents. Mark’s opponents are not familiar with Boundary County and have made very little effort to know our county.
Vote for the only person who will represent Boundary County; vote to re-elect Mark Sauter.

Editorial • Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey, Idaho Capital Sun • 04/11/2023

On March 20, the Idaho House killed a bill that would have funded free menstrual products in public school girls’ bathrooms. House Bill 313, sponsored by two Republicans, would have put pads and tampons on the same state-funded level as toilet paper, paper towels and soap, costing $435,000 for dispenser installs and just more than $300,000 for annual hygiene product restocking, according to the Idaho Statesman. The Statesman also reported that Idaho is expected to see a $1.4 billion tax revenue surplus this fiscal year.

Advocates for the bill said students without access to period products are often left to ask school administrators and friends for help. A recent survey conducted in eastern Idaho found that 75% of female students have missed a class or day of school because they didn’t have access to pads or tampons, and a national survey found that almost a quarter of female students can’t afford to buy their own.

Despite the stats and GOP sponsorship, HB 313 died on a 35-35-0 vote. I’m proud to say that local Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint, voted in favor of the measure. Unfortunately, Rep. Sage Dixon, R-Ponderay, did not.

News • Lauren Reichenbach, Bonner County Daily Bee • 04/25/2023

The vote of no confidence in Sauter’s performance was announced by the Bonner County Republican Central Committee Monday.

“This isn’t a surprise at all,” Sauter said about the vote. “Representatives who have supported education and other conservative community causes have been the targets of this campaign.”
Sauter said he has done his best to be a responsible representative for District 1 and will continue to do what he thinks is best for the people he represents.
“I ran without the endorsement of the Bonner County Central Committee,” he said. “I never asked for their support. Despite the lack of the central committee endorsement, I won with a majority of votes in the election. I want to thank Mr. Herndon for pointing out some of the differences between me and the Bonner County Central Committee and the Idaho Freedom Foundation.”

News • Emily Bonsant, Bonners Ferry Herald • 06/01/2023

Sauter said he was thankful for time spent in Boise representing the people in Boundary and Bonner counties.
He addressed Bonner General Health closing its birthing ward. In announcing the move, BGH officials said the decision was partly due to legislation adopted in Idaho that they said could prevent medical care that is nationally recognized as the standard of care.

Sauter referred to medical professionals leaving Idaho to work in other states as “professional flight.” Looking ahead to the next legislative session this is something he is going to dive into and figure out what “compromises” can be made to keep doctors and medical professions can be retained in both Boundary and Bonner counties, he said.

He added that North Idaho College’s accreditation issues are on his radar, as it is on students, families and professionals in North Idaho.

News • Ryan Suppe, Idaho Education News • 01/22/2024

Rep. Mark Sauter on Monday introduced a bill that would block recalled school trustees from participating in board meetings. The proposal comes after a pair of West Bonner trustees last year tried to call a special meeting of the school board hours before an election to recall them was certified.

A court order stopped that meeting from happening, but the proposal from Sauter, R-Sandpoint, would codify that recalled trustees can’t vote on board business between a successful recall election and its official certification.

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